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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Does CBS fix Big Brother?

Over the past few seasons, I have asked myself this question. Would CBS "fix" the competitions on Big Brother to suit the desires of their demographic audience? I think the answer here is YES.

It was two years ago during Big Brother All Stars, that I first though about this. Janelle had simply been winning way too many competitions to keep herself in the house, and one POV competition in particular where (due to editing) it was impossible to tell whether or not she really put up the winning time that we were shown. I originaly wrote about this in a previous BLOG ENTRY.

The most recent season of Big Brother (BB9) got us all thinking collectively at the final HOH competition with Adam, Ryan, and Sharon competing for that last power postion. The question was "Fact or Fiction? Are there any remaining pre-existing relationships in the Big Brother house?" The sensible answer of course is FICTION, but after the houseguests made their moves to answer (Sharon: Fiction, Adam: Fiction, Ryan: Fact), Julie Chen made an obvious pause before revealing that the answer was FACT... which forced a tie-breaker between Sharon and Ryan. The pre-existing relationship was The Guinea Pigs! I know... that's ridiculous.

Listen closely as you watch the video, and draw your own conclusion.

I love Big Brother and BB10 should prove to be very entertaining, but I (as many more of you) will be watching carefully for any more of these kinds of situations. If you know of any others or are suspicious or anything you've seen on the show, please share!

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