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Friday, June 27, 2008

BB10 inside information?

I don't normally repost articles from people I link with but I did read an interesting addition to Lessa's blog over at Big Brother Craze today that I thought was worth a re-post here.

That’s right, someone at Jokers has the inside scoop, as he made it all the way to the top 35 this year! He’s pretty disappointed to have gotten the ‘regrets’ phone call, but that didn’t stop him from getting us some good info from him!

The poster, DaCoach7, says that the timeline he’d been given would see the houseguests heading off to sequester early next week, where they’ll spend 4-5 days doing photoshoots, etc. That’s about the time we’ll get to see the inside of the house, and then the houseguests identities will be released the week before the premiere. Seems it’s going to be a show of opposite opinions – DaCoach7 is a hunter, and figured he would be pit against a PETA member – there were other rumors spread earlier in casting that BB was looking for a PETA member, so that falls into line with what we’ve already heard. Other possible categories were politics, religion, vegetarians and such.

He also confirms a wide range of finalists – women in their 40s-50s, and even a man in his 60s. He heard no talk of BB11, so no clue if we’ll do another winter edition next year. He couldn’t pinpoint a certain twist – just that there were a lot of polarized personalities. He also said there would be no relatives at all.

Now this could all be utter and complete bunk, but he does seem pretty well bummed that he wasn’t chosen, and some of the things he said definitely fit in with the other rumors. Here’s hoping to a nice, well rounded, controversial, argumentative cast! Less with the booty calls, and more with the conversations!

What do you think? Is this guy for real? Who’s counting the days with me?! 17 more!

Thanks to Lessa at Big Brother Craze for this interesting article!

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Becky said...

Cool ! can't wait for Big Brother 10 to start

CarolynBBDish said...

hi kinzie :) nice google placement, buddy!