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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What was your favourite Big Brother season?

It's tough for me to put my finger on one season in particular. BB9 (Big Brother 9) was a very good season. But I think my favourite was BB6 (Big Brother 6). With all of the drama surrounding Maggie, Jennifer, Janelle, James, Kaysar, and Howie... it was certainly a season to remember. The moment I'll not forget is when Jennifer broke her promise to Kaysar, effectively sending him packing.

Here's one of my favourite moments from that season, aptly titled "Bye Bye Bitches!"
It was cold revenge for Janelle, on behalf of Kaysar.


Anonymous said...

BB8 with ED was freakin' great!

Anonymous said...

I would also say BB6. Janelle and her crew were awesome. "BUSTO! BUSTO!" Can't beat it. If ED had been in that season I think they would have just ended the whole series then, cause how much better could it get then all that?

Anonymous said...

I loved Janelle and I hope she makes more guest appearances on the show this summer.

Or maybe it will be a fans versus favorites kind of format (like Survivor) and we'll get to see her live in the house for a 3rd season!?!?

Anonymous said...

BB 6 of course!