Big Brother 10 fans! It has (in my opinion) been a steller week in the BB10 house. It's been awhile since we've seen this much action packed into a short period of time. Let's go over the highlights of the week shall we?
- Keesha wins HoH - I was happy about this and just as surprised as Keesha herself when she won it. I won't forget Libra during the final pairing of that competition either. The way she stood there looking really smug. Was it because she knew that someone in her alliance (either her or Keesha) was guaranteed to win it? Or was it something else? Since I don't trust Libra, the jury will be out on this one forever I would think.
- Keesha shakes up the house - When Keesha ignored everyone and nominated who SHE wanted, it sent waves through the house. It's what this game is all about, and Keesha is a player who takes risks.
- The "Banner Incident" - a banner went flying by the BB10 house but only a few houseguests caught a glimpse of it before they were immediately locked into the house. It looks like it said "Happy Birthday ______ we (heart) you". Now since it was Renny's birthday the following day, I'm going to assume the part we couldn't make out was Renny. Memphis, Jessie, Michelle, and Angie decided to LIE and say that it said "Libra and ____ are liars, (heart) Steven".
- Jerry versus Memphis - Immediately after the Banner Incident, Memphis went up to the HoH room to spread the misinformation and got into a very heated argument with Jerry. Memphis did not like at all that Jerry had called him a "womanizer", especially in front of everyone. In my opinion, Jerry was wrong to do that, but Memphis went way over the deep end.
- Jessie out of control - The target of the week is Angie, but Jessie will not let it go and obviously cannot stand being on the block for one minute. He can't eat, can't sleep, has lost weight, etc.. All his words. He's making himself the target and Angie is smiling all the way to Thursday night.
Thursday's eviction episode should prove to be interesting! Things are hotter than ever on the LIVE FEEDS! Make sure you get them!
I really hope they decide to get rid of Jessie!
Angie was kicked out 8-0 . Stupid houseguests!!
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