We have a winner! At approx 8:45 Big Brother Time, which is around 3 hours and 15 minutes into the HOH endurance competition, April and Michelle entered into negociations.
Michelle: "You won't put me up for nomination or after the POV?"
April: "I won't. Besides, I respect your strength."
In the first capture you see Michelle landing on the sandy tarp, and obviously the 2nd shows both Michelle and the new HOH, April, lying beside one another, completely exhausted.
In the minutes preceding Michelle's drop from the wall, she was crying and was in obvious discomfort both physically and mentally. She clearly wanted to win one for her side of the house. Meanwhile April looked much more able to continue.
What the hell -- after all that, April didn't even wash her hair while she was in the shower? When she brushed that mop on her head it looked like Pigpen was walking by! Dust everywhere!
Who cares what she looked like?
This is another triumph for the alliance, and bodes ill for Jessie and his Motley Crew.
I would put up Memphis and Dan, and back door Jessie.
Let Jessie think that he has it made, have him not win the POV, and then back door his cocky, lame ass.
I would love to see him lose more weight. LOL
tate... you have the RIGHT idea there! Now that would make for some CLASSIC Big Brother!
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