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Sunday, August 3, 2008

POV Spoiler and more fighting

Last night was another surprise late-night POV competition. Not too many details of the actual competition to bring you but we do know that the winner of the Power of Veto was (once again) Jerry! It's unlikely that he will use the POV, and that's something that is probably already understood by both nominees (Jessie and Memphis). That being said, watch out for some serious drama to unfold this week as Jessie especially does what he can to save himself from eviction. If you don't have the live feeds yet, NOW is a great time to get them!

There was also a lot of dramatic fighting and arguing last night in the BB10 house. Once again it involved April, Libra, and Keesha. They're supposed to be in an alliance? This one is a powder keg, folks... Just waiting to go KABOOM!

Click here to watch the LIVE ACTION! (free 14 day trial!)

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